import javax.xml.soap.*;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Client {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
            SOAPConnection connection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();

            SOAPMessage message = prepareMessage();

            URL endpoint = new URL("");
            SOAPMessage response =, endpoint);

            System.out.print("\nPrinting the message that is being sent: \n\n");

            System.out.println("\nPrinting the respone that was recieved: \n\n" );

            //Uncoment this part if you want the response to be saved locally in an XML file
            FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream ("SoapResponse.xml");

            //You can also store the response as a String
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            response.writeTo( out );
            String str = out.toString();  

            System.out.println("\n\nIterating through the response object to get the values:\n\n");
            SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();

            //Checking for errors
            if (responseBody.hasFault()) {
                SOAPFault fault = responseBody.getFault();
                String actor = fault.getFaultActor();
                System.out.println("Fault contains: ");
                System.out.println("Fault code: " + fault.getFaultCodeAsName().getQualifiedName());
                System.out.println("Fault string: " + fault.getFaultString());
                if (actor != null) {
                    System.out.println("Actor: " + actor);
            } else {
                Iterator iterator = responseBody.getChildElements();
                Iterator iterator2 = null;
                Iterator iterator3 = null;

                String tagName = null;
                SOAPElement se = null;

                if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    se = (SOAPElement);
                    iterator = se.getChildElements();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        se = (SOAPElement);
                        tagName = se.getElementName().getLocalName();
                        if ("data".equals(tagName)) {
                            iterator2 = se.getChildElements();
                            while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
                                se = (SOAPElement);
                                iterator3 = se.getChildElements();
                                while (iterator3.hasNext()) {
                                    se = (SOAPElement);

        } catch (SOAPException e) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: ******* " + e.toString());
        } catch (IOException io) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: ******* " + io.toString());

    public static SOAPMessage prepareMessage() {
        SOAPMessage message = null;
        try {
            SOAPFactory soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
            MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
            message = factory.createMessage();

            SOAPHeader header = message.getSOAPHeader();
            SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();
            message.getMimeHeaders().addHeader("SOAPAction", "");

            Name bodyName = soapFactory.createName("getPredictionsAndMetadata", "pred",
            SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = body.addBodyElement(bodyName);

            //Constructing the body for the request
            Name name = soapFactory.createName("stationId");
            SOAPElement symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
            name = soapFactory.createName("beginDate");
            symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
            symbol.addTextNode("20060601 00:00");
            name = soapFactory.createName("endDate");
            symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
            symbol.addTextNode("20060602 23:59");
            name = soapFactory.createName("datum");
            symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
            name = soapFactory.createName("unit");
            symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
            name = soapFactory.createName("timeZone");
            symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
            name = soapFactory.createName("dataInterval");
            symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
        } catch (SOAPException e) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: ******* " + e.toString());
        return message;

    public static void printMetadata(SOAPElement se) {
        String tagName = se.getElementName().getLocalName();
        if (tagName != null) {
            if ("stationId".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Printing Metadata \n");
                System.out.println("Station ID       : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("stationName".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("station Name     : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("latitude".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Latitude         : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("longitude".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Longitude        : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("state".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("State            : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("dataSource".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Data Source      : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("COOPSDisclaimer".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("COOPS Disclaimer : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("beginDate".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Begin Date       : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("endDate".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("End Date         : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("datum".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Datum            : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("unit".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Unit             : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("timeZone".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Time Zone        : " + se.getValue());
            } else if ("dataInterval".equals(tagName)) {
                System.out.println("Data Interval    : " + se.getValue() + "\n");
                System.out.println("Printing the data \n");

    public static void printData(SOAPElement se) {
        String tagName = se.getElementName().getLocalName();
        if (tagName != null) {
            if (tagName.equals("timeStamp")) {
                System.out.println("Time Stamp  : " + se.getValue());
            } else if (tagName.equals("pred")) {
                System.out.println("Pred        : " + se.getValue() + "\n");
>java Client
Printing the message that is being sent:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<HC:getHConstituentsAndMetadata xmlns:HC="">

Iterating through the response object to get the values:

Printing Metadata 

Station ID       : 8454000
station Name     : Providence
Latitude         : 41.8067
Longitude        : -71.4017
State            : RI
Data Source      : USDOC/NOAA/NOS/COOPS(Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services)
COOPS Disclaimer : The official Tide and Tidal Current prediction tables are published annually 
                   on October 1, for the following calendar year. 
                   Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated prior to the publishing date of 
                   the official tables are subject to change. The enclosed data are based upon 
                   the latest information available as of the date of your request. 
                   Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated may differ from the official 
                   predictions if information for the station requested has been updated since 
                   the publishing date of the official tables.
Begin Date       : 20060601 00:00
End Date         : 20060602 23:59
Datum            : MLLW
Unit             : Meters
Time Zone        : GMT
Data Interval    : 60 Min

Printing the data 

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 00:00
Pred        : 0.607

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 01:00
Pred        : 0.725

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 02:00
Pred        : 0.916

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 03:00
Pred        : 1.149

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 04:00
Pred        : 1.311

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 05:00
Pred        : 1.301

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 06:00
Pred        : 1.105

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 07:00
Pred        : 0.791

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 08:00
Pred        : 0.456

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 09:00
Pred        : 0.224

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 10:00
Pred        : 0.201

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 11:00
Pred        : 0.314

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 12:00
Pred        : 0.403

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 13:00
Pred        : 0.473

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 14:00
Pred        : 0.641

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 15:00
Pred        : 0.916

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 16:00
Pred        : 1.177

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 17:00
Pred        : 1.283

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 18:00
Pred        : 1.169

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 19:00
Pred        : 0.889

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 20:00
Pred        : 0.555

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 21:00
Pred        : 0.29

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 22:00
Pred        : 0.23

Time Stamp  : 06/01/2006 23:00
Pred        : 0.372

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 00:00
Pred        : 0.539

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 01:00
Pred        : 0.628

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 02:00
Pred        : 0.726

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 03:00
Pred        : 0.908

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 04:00
Pred        : 1.116

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 05:00
Pred        : 1.235

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 06:00
Pred        : 1.183

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 07:00
Pred        : 0.975

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 08:00
Pred        : 0.689

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 09:00
Pred        : 0.409

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 10:00
Pred        : 0.244

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 11:00
Pred        : 0.266

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 12:00
Pred        : 0.376

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 13:00
Pred        : 0.444

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 14:00
Pred        : 0.518

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 15:00
Pred        : 0.706

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 16:00
Pred        : 0.98

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 17:00
Pred        : 1.206

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 18:00
Pred        : 1.259

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 19:00
Pred        : 1.113

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 20:00
Pred        : 0.845

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 21:00
Pred        : 0.554

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 22:00
Pred        : 0.342

Time Stamp  : 06/02/2006 23:00
Pred        : 0.316
