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Dataset { String name_station[station = 250]; Float32 x[station = 250]; Float32 y[station = 250]; Float32 lon[station = 250]; Float32 lat[station = 250]; Float32 siglay[siglay = 20][station = 250]; Float32 siglev[siglev = 21][station = 250]; Float32 h[station = 250]; Float64 time[time = 481]; Int32 iint[time = 481]; Float32 u[time = 481][siglay = 20][station = 250]; Float32 v[time = 481][siglay = 20][station = 250]; Float32 ww[time = 481][siglay = 20][station = 250]; Float32 temp[time = 481][siglay = 20][station = 250]; Float32 salinity[time = 481][siglay = 20][station = 250]; Float32 zeta[time = 481][station = 250]; Float32 uwind_speed[time = 481][station = 250]; Float32 vwind_speed[time = 481][station = 250]; } NOAA/SFBOFS/MODELS/2025/03/01/;