OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


Wind_Mag_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_72 = 0..71][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_72: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Wind_Dir_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_72 = 0..71][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_72: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Wind_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_72 = 0..71]

WindGust_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_72 = 0..71][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_72: DIM_209: DIM_209:

WindGust_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_72 = 0..71]

PoPFloat_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_49 = 0..48][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_49: DIM_209: DIM_209:

PoPFloat_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_49 = 0..48]

WxFloat_SFC: Array of 8 bit Bytes [DIM_49 = 0..48][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_49: DIM_209: DIM_209:

WxFloat_SFC_wxKeys: Array of Strings [DIM_49 = 0..48][DIM_7 = 0..6]
DIM_49: DIM_7:

WxFloat_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_49 = 0..48]

Hazards_SFC: Array of 8 bit Bytes [DIM_0 = 0..-1][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_0: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Hazards_SFC_keys: Array of Strings [DIM_0 = 0..-1][DIM_1 = 0..0]
DIM_0: DIM_1:

Hazards_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_0 = 0..-1]

Wx_SFC: Array of 8 bit Bytes [DIM_33 = 0..32][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_33: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Wx_SFC_wxKeys: Array of Strings [DIM_33 = 0..32][DIM_7 = 0..6]
DIM_33: DIM_7:

Wx_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_33 = 0..32]

WaveHeight_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_72 = 0..71][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_72: DIM_209: DIM_209:

WaveHeight_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_72 = 0..71]

Swell_Mag_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_15 = 0..14][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_15: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Swell_Dir_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_15 = 0..14][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_15: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Swell_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_15 = 0..14]

Period_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_71 = 0..70][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_71: DIM_209: DIM_209:

Period_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_71 = 0..70]

VISprobnav_SFC: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_16 = 0..15][DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_16: DIM_209: DIM_209:

VISprobnav_SFC_GridHistory: Array of Strings [DIM_16 = 0..15]

Topo: Array of 16 bit Integers [DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_209: DIM_209:

latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_209: DIM_209:

longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [DIM_209 = 0..208][DIM_209 = 0..208]
DIM_209: DIM_209:

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Support] at:

For questions or comments about the OPeNDAP service bundled with the TDS, email THREDDS support at:


Dataset {
    Float32 Wind_Mag_SFC[DIM_72 = 72][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    Float32 Wind_Dir_SFC[DIM_72 = 72][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String Wind_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_72 = 72];
    Float32 WindGust_SFC[DIM_72 = 72][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String WindGust_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_72 = 72];
    Float32 PoPFloat_SFC[DIM_49 = 49][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String PoPFloat_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_49 = 49];
    Byte WxFloat_SFC[DIM_49 = 49][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String WxFloat_SFC_wxKeys[DIM_49 = 49][DIM_7 = 7];
    String WxFloat_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_49 = 49];
    Byte Hazards_SFC[DIM_0 = 0][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String Hazards_SFC_keys[DIM_0 = 0][DIM_1 = 1];
    String Hazards_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_0 = 0];
    Byte Wx_SFC[DIM_33 = 33][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String Wx_SFC_wxKeys[DIM_33 = 33][DIM_7 = 7];
    String Wx_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_33 = 33];
    Float32 WaveHeight_SFC[DIM_72 = 72][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String WaveHeight_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_72 = 72];
    Float32 Swell_Mag_SFC[DIM_15 = 15][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    Float32 Swell_Dir_SFC[DIM_15 = 15][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String Swell_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_15 = 15];
    Float32 Period_SFC[DIM_71 = 71][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String Period_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_71 = 71];
    Float32 VISprobnav_SFC[DIM_16 = 16][DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    String VISprobnav_SFC_GridHistory[DIM_16 = 16];
    Int16 Topo[DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    Float32 latitude[DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
    Float32 longitude[DIM_209 = 209][DIM_209 = 209];
} NOAA/TBOFS/MODELS/tbmcf/202111/;